You & Your Money BeliefsYou say you want more money and you are running your own business, therefore calling in more money should be simple enough.

You just sell more stuff or put your prices up?


Actually your relationship with money is more complicated than that.

For centuries we have projected our own values and beliefs on having, receiving and desiring money therefore when you think about money, you have a deep emotional response to it which is often negative because of your deep rooted money beliefs.

The truth is most women repel money even when they say they want more.

And this is why it can feel really hard to grow your business, to sustain growth in your profits and live the life you desire.

Crazy I know but in this blog I am going to share with you the 7 BIGGEST Money Beliefs that will stop you from earning more money and just how they show up in business.

Money Belief No 1:

“You have to work hard for money”

We are hardwired to believe that to earn money you have to work hard and therefore logic follows if you want to earn more money you have to work harder.

Say that to a woman who is already juggling a lot of roles and responsibilities, you will unconsciously block yourself from earning more money to protect you from becoming too busy, burnt out and not having enough time to do everything you need to do.

This belief shows in business as, only offering 121 services, doing everything yourself, rarely launching your products and services, sticking to what you already know.

Money Belief No 2:

“I don’t deserve to earn more money”

It is highly likely that you already have the basic life requirements that you need to live, a roof over your head, food, warmth and some level of security.  On top of that you also have access to technology so that you have received this information by and the education to consume it.

You may feel guilty for wanting MORE.  Look at your own financial situation, it is likely that you are already earning more than perhaps your parents, other family members?  Not by much but by some.

The money belief around deserving more is a big one because of the level of guilt you have about wanting more.

In business this belief shows up in your pricing, your business model, your plans for growth and expansion, believing your industry norms as your own, and how visible you are to your wider audience.

Money Belief No 3:

“People will judge me”

As a nation in the UK we do not talk about money, we don’t share our salaries with other people and we rarely talk about purchases, especially a large purchase like a house – you are far more likely to go and google how much someone has spent on their new house than ask them.

And this comes down to the deep fear that people will judge you for the money you have or haven’t got and the money you have spent.

In business this may show up as, playing small and safe in your business, not putting your prices up, discounting friends and family, procrastinating about creating your next offer, failing to share your success and client testimonials. 

Money Belief No 4:

“I am not good enough / ready”

This is a huge belief for women.  There is so much comparison with others and worrying about being found out as a fraud that this belief of not being good enough really stops you from playing a much bigger game in your business just in case you are found out, you get trolled or people judge you.

When this belief is playing out you will discover that you are buying even more courses, becoming more qualified and worrying everytime you post something, so you are never really you and it’s hard for your audience to truly connect with you.

P.s. you don’t need another qualification…..

Money Belief No 5:

“Rich people are greedy, mean and I hate them”

This has been playing out since Charles Dickens through books, movies and even in real life.  You may have had an experience/s where someone you believe to be wealthy has been rude or unkind to you.

You probably heard other people’s negative opinions about wealthy people whilst you were growing up so the last thing you want to do is to become one of them!

This belief stops you from creating your high end offer, investing in a high end coach or mentor, and it keeps you in a circle of peers who earn the same.  Nothing really changes for you even though (secretly) you want it to.

Money Belief No 6:

“Under charging and over delivering”

This belief occurs when you are trying to please all of the people around you.  Perhaps you have people who keep buying from you and you believe that they will STOP if you put your prices up because they won’t be able to afford you.  Or your boundaries are out of wack and you allow people to contact you at all times of day (and night).

It also happens when you don’t VALUE yourself.  You haven’t yet created the self belief that you are good enough to fully receive in monetary terms what you are truly worth and you are likely to be charging by the hour?

You might also believe that it’s not right to charge for what you do because you have a spiritual or creative business.

Money Belief No 7:

“It doesn’t feel safe for me to make more money”

Oh this is a big one for women.  Often this belief is wrapped up in believing that money might be taken away from you, or that you will spend it or you will wound your relationship with a loved one because you are making more money than them, therefore hindering them as being irrelevant! 

It is often related to believing that you have to be a different person than who you actually are.  For example, you might think that by becoming wealthier you have to wear fancier clothes, or have a YouTube Channel and be so frigging perfect all the time.

This belief often shows up in business when your income plateaus or over spending occurs.

So these are the 7 biggest money beliefs that women have around money.

Which one most resonated with you?

Perhaps you have a little of each one going on for you?

Honestly, even though I have been working on my own money beliefs since 2015, I still find these ones creeping in.  However, I have created powerful resources that actually help me to HEAL and RELEASE these beliefs which I use all the time in my business, as do my clients with great results.

The great news is, that you are actually reading this.

You are ready to increase your own awareness about what is stopping or making your business growth feel hard.

Awareness is one of the most powerful tools you can bring into improving your relationship with money.

The second important step is to make the decision to work on releasing and healing your old stories, habits and programming around money so that instead of repelling money you start to become more and more open to receiving more through the work you love.

Are you ready NOW to actually work on your money mindset?

If you are, I am delighted to share that in June 2021, I am running a powerful 90 minute Workshop You & Your Money Story where I will help you to uncover your generational beliefs about money (these are how your money beliefs are formed).

This powerful workshop is just £27 and is fully recorded – click here to grab your seat:

In this workshop, I will also help you to release your old stories around money so that you can start to earn more money with increased self belief and confidence.

Places are limited so to guarantee your spot, please ensure you book your seat today

Or perhaps you have decided to undertake this work yourself – here is a link to my YouTube Channel where I talk all about money, mindset and how to monetise your business.

If you have any questions about this post, your own money beliefs and about the workshop please post below.

In the meantime, remember when you Change Your Mindset You Transform Your Business.

Love Rachel x